Saturday, August 30, 2008

woke up early to meeting boon amirah and fatin.cos we went to RSAF open house.though we were the only early birds but there was tons of people earlier than was super tight and the day was scorching standing in the middle of a frying pan. got a mug and a shirt.quite ex cost me $33.felt like kenna scam

open house

my dream company or something with st engineering

nice logo if can i wan to go this 143 squadron Phoenix

the black knights impressive bunch of pilots

after that go buy bobo present at suntec.then the 2 go my house.ken play dota boon play guitar.tmr still need go tuition.

end of 7th month starting of fasting

Posted by *gykoh* || 7:49 AM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

last day of more talking cock with the teachers.tmr teacher's day shuold go back pcs anot.i think alot teacher also left ready.i don't see the point of going back anymore.looking forward to tmr's big breakfast.siann la

slacking around & wasting time

Posted by *gykoh* || 6:01 AM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

my secondary school's life is about to end soon.sure will miss 4e3 and all my friends i made.they are sure some of the best i've met.i donno y but i learn to cherish every moment in class.even if it is just sitting there and doing nothing.last PE lesson for the year still got trashed by the sec more PE next need to exercise myself was also our last assembly with the school.hope we can find a way to stay in contact.maybe a chalet every holiday.

every chapter has to come to an end
so confused ??
Os nearing damm

Posted by *gykoh* || 6:47 AM

Monday, August 25, 2008

yesterday when to jervyn birthday party at mt faber safra .had fun bowled for 2 rounds.i think my skill still ok.then took 10 from vivo there back to far sia.took like 1 hour plus.vyn present was wrapped in donno how many layers of paper.took him 5 mins to open.thanks amos for send us home.will pay u back.

wake up today super tired.then school was the same.nagging by mrs oh in the morning to spoil our day first then expect us to was fun as always.khong lesson also fun.look forward to his lesson sia.

chem and amath test tmr !!

Posted by *gykoh* || 6:28 AM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

damm sian this morning.wake up then start raining.wa kao anywhere also cannot go.dun feel like going anywhere also.want to study outside but donno where to go.anyone got nice study spots.maybe somewhere not too far from my house.actually never go swim but still went when drizzling.still can't dive for 25m.feel like giving up.damm sad.

cold day !

Posted by *gykoh* || 8:07 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

mt prelim sucks dun understand the passage.i think my chinese really rusty ready.SS also never study much but i think can at least pass la.went with ben to see iphone freakin expensive.maybe will be cheaper in thailand.
must study harder for more prelims coming up!
not in the mood to do anything now.

Posted by *gykoh* || 6:38 AM

Monday, August 18, 2008

mrs oh was nagging in the morning again.donno is pms or what.y can't she address the school in a more relax tone.i think it will be better for her also.he say someone suggest why can't we stay in class during lesson.she said something like recess is for u to recharge.come on la.we can also walk around in class right !lesson as normal.feel like lots of undone work has pile up.need to take a day to clear the junk

look at what izzat did with a bunch of string he found.

feel like never do anything this few days

Posted by *gykoh* || 8:18 AM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

let's backtrack abit.start from Thursday.morning got the result for prom night.we are officially going to a hotel and the theme is red carpet although had the same theme 2 year ago.then ken so la.dun wan talk much.after that got oral.donno what to say also.the examiner look at my then smile.donno is 笑里藏刀anot. lesson until so late.then the EL prelim write nonsense.the letter thingy we did our own format as nobody knew the format.i think i screw up this prelim.nvm la.not O levels can lao.

next is sat.actually want to wake up at the end drag until got some sort of lethargy problem so dun want come out.go our with ken and greg to west mac study.saw old classmate eunice.then go swim.haiii still cannot do the 25m dive.damm depression.i am doubting my own limit.

train hard to get results
allow myself to be taught

Posted by *gykoh* || 6:04 AM

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

early morning kenna nag by mrs oh.some resident complain about the students not moving to the rear and not giving up their sit the her carrying a toddler."if this is the fruit u bear, i dare not see the tree"it's so horrible to hear such things.not all students took the bus.and why are we all blamed?this residents also quite dumb never thing before she write.brainless dumb shit.spoiled my day in the morning.

PE also suck.why in the hell are the tents still in the field?then cannot play soccer.instead play frisbee at last then get to play back amath result.very sad la.nvm.after school when to get present with mia fiz su.we all stand very long in the shop like some idiot.choosing the right present.then got a cake for ken.tmr his whoever want to beat him please kindly go to our class during recess.

nothin else to say.tmr geo chem and EL oral !

Posted by *gykoh* || 7:30 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008

yesterday night watch Olympics until very late like 2am.then this morning woke up at 9++ after getting wake up call from ken.met up then see thib and rin at west mac also.i study abit and waited for thob.after that go safra to bowl.tyko got a strike.but still lose.played pool after that then go jamming at blk 144.the place alright la.only got 2 rooms.and quite small.the instrument also not really that good.abit siao siao.very fun but i donno how to play alot rhcp songs.maybe can learn then we play again.

after that went home.then go out again watch money not enough 2 with wei sian and leiong wei.the final part quite sad la.but the whole movie okok la.going sleep soon.

didn't do much this few days.tmr must start cheonging again.
ken bday coming up.hmm wad to buy.

Posted by *gykoh* || 7:53 AM

Saturday, August 9, 2008

yesteraday's celebration is a complete turnoff.kenna locked inside field like some idiot.provide food then give so little coupon also.then later go collect rubbish.not many resident got newspaper also.ask them they like shock.i bet they donno we are coming to collect their junk.
then we to mdm low house.talked about so many stuff.too bad only those who went know.actually want to go swim at the sengkang sport's complex.had a glimpse of the complex.then mdm low was like telling me how nice the place is.must go some day.after low house we to chat we ken,fiz and mia's been a long time since we had such long chat.

this morning got tuition.after that we swimming.wa lao the weather never give face.they know i going swim then blow cold wind and rain.swam 5 mins but cannot hold breath for 25m.sad sia .though can go zat house and play C&C but he said no.damm u zat u say your parents at home.i go they not even there.dun try to scam me!went home still to catch NDP .

watch only the contingent part + MPs.their pds performance was quite short.but nice like hell.damm impressed.if only our school got such standard.the PC also shout like donno what.i think he some kind of gay or something.

tmr going out again!

Posted by *gykoh* || 4:28 AM

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

morning was boring.wth this how u repay the sec asking us to collect recyclable materials.not letting us join speech day was bad enough now ask us collect rubbish.we were told that the press is also coming.then if kenna interviewed we cannot say anything.must refer the press to principal.this idea is the dumbest i ever heard in my life.y scared we say bad stuff about the school issit.come on la we not like that kind of people la.

we were thinking if we recruit all the smokers in our school and sponsor them cigarettes.ask them smoke infront of the press.what would happen to the school?the mp also coming so if got chance can complain also.that's what they are for rite ?

PE played soccer with some loser sec 2.we also not that pro,just want to play friendly match.then some talk idiot keep pushing joel see him buay song sia.useless and only know how to kpkb.he also called joel sissy.then he cannot even score pass what is he in position to call joel sissy.what are u when u cannot score pass a sissy ?

fatin told me about the criteria for diver course.wa lao see ready like impossible
  1. hold breath and swim 25m(killer)
  2. 200m in 6min (breaststroke only)
height and weight : 172.9cm 57kg nvr grow up also.DAMM

Posted by *gykoh* || 8:21 AM

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

yesterday PE left me with a scratch on my LEFT KNEE same knee as also kenna the same LEFT KNEE.what a coincidence both of use also injured on the left knee! got to know that time table changed.

today kenna hair check then go vanan there.he going to cut lao then he see again then ask my go back class(maybe my face like guai kia not pai kia).wa kao so heng la.i pity my other friend who got cut.stayed back after school to see speech day rehersal.heard the drum beat which bring back memoires.again i felt so jealous of the no. 1 uniform my juniors were wearing.but their drills were a turn's ok u guys can work hard still got 3 days to the real thing.better put up your best on friday don make our school lau kui ! hey hey this year my cousin lisa platoon commander(gb) leh pro sia.i am so proud of her.

first rehersal i saw

no. 1 uniform( smart eh ! soon i will also wear)

tmr got PE again can't wait .but i think tmr is measure height and weight so i think no fun.hope tmr's izzat turn to get left knee injury also lol.

Posted by *gykoh* || 8:32 AM

Sunday, August 3, 2008

didn't blog for the past few day cos i am studying.working hard for the prelims.u must be thinking wa since when guoyan become go yesterday went swimming in the morning at early sia.saw lisa friend also.then go Y-hope cos i promised ken to go.met up wif ben and paul.after church go LAN.wa lao after LAN still go study at ben house.actually never study much keep joking around.i must admit ben your house is ready for a much food in your room.

looking forward to tmr's PE

must stop C&C !!

Posted by *gykoh* || 4:40 AM