Wednesday, October 28, 2009

got what i lost.mask+snorkel.bought it finally.hope i wont lose it again.
deciding weather to buy other gears too.hmmm.
managed to go out with dear today.
and zat fan and qal.

i'm soo happy now

Posted by *gykoh* || 8:12 AM

Monday, October 26, 2009

ok i shall blog for u.
there blood donation going on in school.i think i will be joining.first time donating leh donno how will it feel like.
so fast 2 weeks gone le.and going to have my first test of the sem tomorrow.hopefully it will be easy.
great news too . going buy some new dive going for boat licence soon.get le sure siok.can go out to sea for fishing.

that's all i have to say.
love u always

Posted by *gykoh* || 7:14 AM

Sunday, October 18, 2009

siann tmr is the first day of my second semester.still in holiday mood actually.
finished my power boat theory .happy sia ! me and karan are so blur in navigation.hopefully we dun end up somewhere else .

finally get to see my dear will be another week before i see her again.
dear we going see the human anatomy rite

i promise u !

Posted by *gykoh* || 7:34 AM

Saturday, October 17, 2009

sentosa-ed yesterday with daniel , cz and viven.Heng this time not all guys.if not we look like gays on the beach.had fun . looking forward to another outing this friday.

today was the first day of my power boat licence theory lesson.lots of stuff to memorise and hopefully the test won't be too difffcult.karan was my buddy this time round for the lessons.and he was late again so my dad got to go fetch him.
pls improve more karan!

and i missed my girl so much today.i donno y but i just had the urge to see her badly.but sadly she cannot come out.
u know everytime i think of us breaking up my heart just sinks.its a bad feeling.
i hate the fact that we couldn't spend much time together.i don't blame u for that i just have to endure through this hard times. its just a passing storm.

Posted by *gykoh* || 8:15 AM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

i'm back after so so so so so long of not blogging.i think i will just blog whenever i want to.or whenever there is so event.
morning when buddy hoggies and gelare for lunch.caught with colleagues.we never run out of topic to chat.
And friday gg sentosa.YEAH.Hope the rest can make it.
just come back from lepak.

tired,tmr can see dear.

Posted by *gykoh* || 9:01 AM